


The Database

The Database now (April 2010) contains more than 47,000 citations about "plant-sucking insects" (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha & Sternorrhyncha), and has been published online

At the Entomological Division at the Zoological Institute and Zoological Museum of the University of Hamburg arised for graduation in librarianship during the years 1996 to 1999 a database of literature (more than 47000 citations). It is based on the reprint collection of the Entomological Division for Rhynchota-Homopteran literature. More than 5000 reprints have been revised, catalogued, added, corrected, and complemented with keywords from titles and work. Let me say "thank you" to Professor emeritus Dr. Hans Strümpel, Mrs. Ursula Frerichs, staff of the Entomological Division and the porters and guards of the Zoological Institute and Zoological Museum of the University of Hamburg for great support. I developed the database "just for fun". After graduation and a few more steps into the world of insects, it was Professor Strümpel who gave the incitation for publication. With this target in mind, I enlarged the database with citations from wherever I could find one.

Most of the citations were examined and compared to other Bibliographies. Incomplete citations that could not be compared, corrected and/or complemented are not listed. The database is not a complete overview of the Hemiptera literature. Keywords are based on the keyword list of the "Zoological record" and further suggestions by Professor Strümpel. They are used from titles, subtitles, abstracts, and full-text of articles. I ask the users to keep in mind, that the keywords are created by a librarian. Thank you.

To give the best support and effectivenss for retrieval author-names are listed with full family- and first names (as far as I know). The full journal-titles are listed and be completed with subseries, their place of publishing and the ISSN. Remark: The database does not use any journal-abbreviations. The periodical list does contain a lot of journal-titles are not widely distributed to major data-bases. To give complete and correct citations to the user the work must be done accuracy. Of course not, I can excluse mistakes, misspellings and other bugs. Please, give me a mail when you have found a "bug". Any "bugs" will be corrected immediately for the Edition "Bibliography of Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha & Sternorrhyncha, Vol. 2, 2006". Additions, suggestions, criticism and recommendations are be pleased. Please, give me a mail. An Internet-Version of the Bibliography is planned for 2006.

For great technical support I do thank Mr Yusuf Fidan, firm Nord-PC. Without his support the Bibliography couldn't be published. Thank you, Mr. Fidan.

Hopefully this work will give scientists, technicians, students, library staff und any people with the special interest "plant-lices" a fast step into the fascinating world of Hemiptera-Literature.

Remark: LibraryService only will give Bibliographic Services. A Document-Delivery-Service is not agreeable with the copyright law in the Federal Republic of Germany.